Salesforce Survey
In order to use salesforce surveys, org must have salesforce surveys enabled. Salesforce gives us previlage to send surveys to employees and to user outside of company. In this post I will explain how we can send surveys to contacts outside of company without using code.
In order to achieve this we will use following things
- Salesforce Surveys
- Community
- Flow
- Email template
- Process Builder
Make sure your salesforce org has lightning turned on as salesforce survey object is accessible in lightning only. In order to access salesforce survey tab you can access it from both lightning and classic.
Go in setup search and write down survey. Click on survey settings and make sure you turned on survey from here. Later in this post we will create a community to select here.
Now select salesforce survey from lightning tabs and click new and create a survey. Select name as surveys for customers. Add some text on survey welcome page. Something like that
At Universal Container we are committed to providing our customers the best technical support and service. Please take this brief two-minute survey about your recent contact with our Technical Support Staff.
Add next page and click on page and click on Add Question button and select NPS to add on your page. Enter below text as question
How likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?
Add below text on thank you page
Thank you for taking the survey. Your feedback is important to us
Click save and then click activate button. If you want to update this survey you have to create a separate version.
Survey Invitation
Go in survey invitation object and create a custom field email. This field will be used to send surveys to emails.
Now we will create a community which will be used as a bridge to send surveys to contacts outside of our company.
Go in setup search and write all communities. Click on All communities and then create a community by clicking button new community.
Select build your own and then click Get Started. Enter name "Survey" and url survey and click create.
It will take few minutes for system to create your community.
Now go back into survey settings and select this community
In order to launch surveys automatically we will be using lightning flows. When a case is closed we will automatically launch a flow. Go in the setup search and write down flow. Click on flows under process automation heading. Click new flow button and select record triggered flow.
Now select when record is updated then select objects is case and then put condition status equal to closed.
Now drag get records to get community information. We need community information create survey invitation data.
Add condition community name = survey
Now use get records to get survey record id.
Drag create record and now create a record for survey invitation object with below mapping
community id = community id
Survey id = survey id
Email = Contact email
Allow guest user response = true
Invitation name = test
Now add an action. select email send. Add email alert name and select survey invitation record id in related record id option.
In order to make sure you only send one survey per case update case with the check box survey send = true in the end of flow.
Now activate your flow.
Publishing Community
Now go back into setup and select all communities and then click builder in front of your community name.
Click on components and type survey in search box. drag and drop survey component on front page and then select your survey on it.
Now go in community profile and make sure that community profile have cru right on survey, survey invitation and survey response object.
Now mark your community as public and then publish it.
Email Template
Create an email template with below wording and create take survey link like this
Community Url/{!SurveyInvitation.Id}&surveyName={!SurveyInvitation.Name}&UUID={!SurveyInvitation.UUID}
Process Builder
In order to stop contacts filling survey multiple times you can create a process builder on survey invitation object. Select when record is created or updated.
In condition select status ischanged = true and status = completed in action use immediate action and mark allow guest response to false.