Thursday 15 March 2018

Dell Boomi: How to connect CloudSQL from Dell Boomi

How to connect CloudSQL from Dell Boomi

Recently I got a requirements from client that we have to connect CloudSQL via Dell Boomi, so the exact requirement was to query data from Salesforce and push it to CloudSQL's specific project which is using MYSQL as a database.

Dell Boomi do not have any dedicated connector for cloudSql connection. As you all know that cloudSql is on cloud so first thought we have to connect such system is to use HTTP connector of dell Boomi. Just to give you a little overview of Dell Boomi HTTP connector, It is used to conect any system via API.Get more information from here.

Now issue is CloudSql even being on cloud does not support connecting it via API and doing DML operations. Surely you can connect it via API but this API will only allow you to do some Admin work. Get from Information here.

So the option we are left with is use Database connector of Dell Boomi and use cloud atom to connect CloudSQL database.



Use cloud atom to run this integration.
In creating database profile if you select dynamic insert this will allow you to import database structure from SQL using your connection, creating profile manually in dell boomi can cause diffrent error like 404 and other.